Monday, December 3, 2018

New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Are Modular Neural Networks an interesting avenue for further research?

Ask HN: Are Modular Neural Networks an interesting avenue for further research?
10 by hsikka | 1 comments on Hacker News.
Modular/Multiple Neural networks (MNNs) revolve around training smaller, independent networks that can feed into each other or another higher network In principle, the hierarchical organization could allow us to make sense of more complex problem spaces and reach a higher functionality, but it seems difficult to find examples of concrete research done in the past regarding this. I've found a few sources: A few concrete questions I have: Are there any tasks where MNNs have shown better performance than large single nets? Could MNNs be used for multimodal classification, i.e. train each net on a fundamentally different type of data, (text vs image) and feed forward to a higher level intermediary that operates on all the outputs? From a software engineering perspective, aren't these more fault tolerant and easily isolatable on a distributed system? Has there been any work into dynamically adapting the topologies of subnetworks using a process like Neural Architecture Search? Generally, are MNNs practical in any way? Apologies if these questions seem naive, I've just come into ML and more broadly CS from a biology/neuroscience background and am captivated by the potential interplay. I really appreciate you taking the time and lending your insight!

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